Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

Episode 103: How To Close The Confidence Gap



Confidence is Trusting That You Will Show Up for Yourself Show Notes In this solo episode I walk you through a few of the steps that I take my clients through when working with them around the feelings of confidence. A few of the highlight takeaways are: Know your strengths and write them down on a post it note or index card. Place the cards and notes where you can see them throughout the day. These reminders will help you remember all the gifts that you already have inside of you Stop looking outside of yourself for answers When talking to yourself always treat yourself as you would treat those you love Begin your day with anticipation and end the day with gratitude The challenging thing is that we have to act confidently before we feel and believe in our own confidence. And to act more confidently we need to focus on our strengths versus our gaps. The Five Reasons That People Often Lack Confidence Are: Setting expectations too high Self judgement The Fear of failure Lack of experience Lack of a skill Th