Email Expert Podcast

The ultimate story formula, and how to use it!



Last episode: we talked about affiliate marketing, and how to not annoy your subscribers...Introduction:Special guest… Trainer, fitness coach and nutritionist, Neerjie… She’s also a distributor of some top notch meal replacements and she has an earth shattering story we’ll get to near the end of the show, so stick around!Current episode: Ultimate StoryWhy…From camp fires to office cubicles, stories (the juicier, more authentic, ugly and raw and truer the better) transfer better than anything….They’re a part of the human experience and we visualize them and remember them…Neerjie; Anything to add to your thoughts on the power of stories?Method of the ultimate story… Put a man in the jungle, introduce conflict get him outBullet proof formula from Broadway to Hollywood:Core elements of a KILLER story:-Characters-Challenge-Motivation-Setting-Obstacles-ClosingHow does this relate to email or marketing.I know, it’s obvious, but this part might spike some wild great ideas for you!What if you made a FAKE made up story