Low Vision Hijinx: Not Much Eyesight - Plenty Of Vision!

Blind Non-Driver Harrassed for Inability to Attend Drive-by Birthday Party



Am I a bad friend because I'm a blind non-driver who couldn't attend a drive-by birthday party during covid? Evidently, my friend thinks so. Thanks for listening! Cheers to your B.L.I.S.S.-FULL life!, Ronda Ronda Del Boccio, Award-winning author Shop my books on Amazon: http://amazon.com/author/rondadelboccio Let's CONNECT: My MAIN blog/website https://InnerGuidanceOnDemand.com Magical Stories blog https://MagicalStoriesByRonda.wordpress.com Join Ronda's Readers Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/2108565772535605/ Follow on Instagram - My AUTHOR related profile is http://Instagram.com/thestorylady For planning, craft, and blissful life tips, @1blissfullife http://instagram.com/craftyblindgirl LIKE on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RondaDelBoccio FOLLOW on Twitter https://twitter.com/thestorylady Follow on Pinterest http://pinterest.com/innerguidanceondemand YouTube videos https://www.youtube.com/c/RondaDelBoccio Connect on LinkedIn http://LinkedIn.com/in/thestorylady +++++++++