

I'm currently working on a new set of goals. Mostly they are around my new business idea I'm working on and a few are upgrading some personal goals I made last year. One part of the goal setting process I don't hear any internet business people talking about is something I learned in the Army. I drove troop transport vehicles in the Army. I did it for college money, being as I was to poor to even know there were scholarships, grants, and school loans… more on that another time. I drove my troop transport vehicles for a special forces group up in Washington State. The special forces guys were crazy! The stuff I saw... I can't believe what these guys can do. One thing that wasn't shocking, but was simply amazing was how they planning out their missions. One aspect I loved was called the Backwards Planning Method. Whenever they had a mission, they would start at the clear end state (goal/target) and plan everything they could think of BACK to the start position. Does that make sense? Instead of s