

Every couple of days I jump into the Freedom Club exclusive, private mastermind group. It's extremely expiring to see what club members are up to. I love seeing the success mindset growing as members help each other, share breakthroughs, and just spend time with other future freedom business owners. Here's a winner doing what it takes to succeed: "Today I escaped the 9 - 5. I just left the office of a job I was unhappy in for the last time. I've recently taken the opportunity to take a job (that I enjoy) that will earn me the same income in 16hrs a week instead of 40 and those extra hours are going straight into my Freedom Business. It's not THE step, but it's A step and I'm celebrating! Thank you all for your help getting to this milestone, even if at this point it's just from a physiological perspective." ~Tim ---I love seeing Tim doing what it takes to deserve the success that he's building. Just seeing the world in a different way can make stuff like this possible. The thought, how can I magical