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A Deadly Sedentary Lifestyle - Change It!



  http://ezwellnessclub.com/sedentary-lifestyle/Physical inactivity, or leading a sedentary lifestyle, can lead to many health problems and lower your quality of life. With a few pointers on how to be more "health-efficient" throughout your day and some boosters, you can ditch the inactive and unhealthy lifestyle for a more vibrant and active YOU!Dr. Joe Kepo'o, DC received his Doctorate of Chiropractic and is certified in Chiropractic BioPhysics. His specialty is the sensitive and energetic interaction he has with his patients. His unique ability to read the body's own energetic communication is a skill he has mastered and uses to help patients learn and facilitate what needs to be addressed during the treatment process. He enjoys instructing others in the ways of alternative medicine and holistic wellness.Dave Sherwin is a wellness expert, entrepreneur, and life hacker. He has used research and science to obtain great fitness in his own life, allowing him to compete at a high level athletica