Missouri Botanical Garden - Chapungu Nature, Man, And Myth

Chapungu exhibition shipping, weight, and installation



Voice: Roy Guthrie The exhibit comes over in containers and the pieces are packed individually into large crates, wooden crates, and when they travel over the water, over the sea, they come across in containers. But once they are in the country, they're moved around from exhibition to exhibition on great big flatbeds still in their crates. Most pieces weigh between 1,000 pounds and 8,000 pounds and in height they range between about 3 feet and 10 to 11 feet. We install the pieces in botanical gardens on logs and we use forklifts and cranes depending on the size. If we go onto lawns we put down mats and we run the forklift onto the mats and we place them on logs. Logs are not cut down trees; they are trees which are storm damaged. We place the log and then we pin the sculpture to the log and we like logs because they are very organic and the sculpture is organic and it looks great on logs. So we normally use logs in terms of the bases and also the sculpture doesn't need polished surfaces and fancy bases to e