Reboot Radio

Reboot Radio Episode 3: What A Week



THIS WEEK: It's just co-founders Nick Salazar and Antonio Sanchez on this week's episode, but the show must go on! This week we talk about Nick's insane 18+ hour run to tackle Destiny's newest raid, King's Fall and his overall impressions of Destiny: The Taken King as a whole. Later, Antonio asks why Nintendo is continuing to make baffling moves regarding its choice of president and lack of remaining games this calendar year. There's also a lot of sadness and talk of the Dallas Cowboys' already doomed season. Keep up with us on social media! Twitter: @TheRebootGamers Nick: @TheNickSalazar Antonio: @AntonioReports Michael: @Msoldub Gianna: @GiannaMayTweets Justin: @FMCmakesmesmart Facebook: Email us questions, comments, topics, or fan mail of Navi at