Passive No More: 10 Days To Purposeful Living

Why is this taking so LONG?



The turtle was slowly making his way across the side of our yard when Lily and I pulled into the driveway Monday morning. I quickly got out of the car! (Though I don't know why I thought I needed to move fast since the turtle was in no hurry.)  I got Lily out of the car to see the turtle for herself. I was excited for us to have this strange encounter with nature in our front yard. He was a good size fella who stood frozen in our presence.I took pictures and sent them to Josh and my mom. My mom has known of my fascination with turtles for years. Not the kind of fascination that I have my house decorated with turtles. I can’t go so far to say I want a modern rendition of a turtle on my wall.  But I do have a connection to them that started 19 years ago when I first moved to Florida. I had a dream you see: a dream about turtles that I have never forgotten but have not thought about in a long time. Seeing the turtle in our yard reminded me of this dream. Before encountering the turtle Monday morning, I was havin