Passive No More: 10 Days To Purposeful Living

How do you know so much?



I've been thinking a lot lately about what I call "perceived scarcity." It's hard to define it with words because... it's a feeling. It's the feeling I get when I write out our budget at the beginning of the month, and I feel anxious about not putting enough into savings. It's the longing I sometimes have for a new car, a new couch, or for a home we own. But most of all, it's that little, nagging thought that says I've just been lucky to make it this far (financially), but I'll never TRULY be successful. I'll never quite have enough. I need more. I say "perceived" scarcity because that's what it is, a perception - and a very inaccurate one at that. You see, I have ALL my essential needs met. Housing? Food and clean water? Clothing? Transportation? Yep. Covered. I can't even remember a time when I lacked any of those things. It's that little, nagging thought that says I've just been lucky to make it this far, but I'll never TRULY be successful. I'll never quite have enough. I need more. I even have all my so c