
EdTechTalk#86: Online Education - This is NOT a Drill!



It took a pandemic, but the ETW gang is ending its hiatus...at least for one show.EdTechTalk#86 streams live at 2200UTCwith with@davecormier   @jenm   @schinker   &   @jefflebowDownload mp3Links MentionedLoom.com - Say it with VideoDurff's ECE 600 Topic 2 Child Growth & Development/TheoriesPBS Streamed Teaching in CaliforniaTop 200 Tools for Learning 2019: https://www.toptools4learning.com/Dave's Online Learning in a Hurry VideosVideoconferencing Alternatives: How Low-Bandwidth Teaching Will Save Us All | IDDblog: IFind Offers — EveryoneOnThe stuff put together for teachers at John's school. https://sites.google.com/bbhcsd.org/olrJeff's Video ViewingThis angry mom's rant about homeschooling children while in quarantine goes viralI Will Survive, Coronavirus version for teachers going onlineHow To See Germs Spread (Coronavirus)Burned In  Teacher Podcast: From Crisis to Calm: A Success Plan for Balance, Workflow, and Collaboration during Covid19Compl