Weekend Confirmed: The Video Game Show

Weekend Confirmed - Ep. 200 - 01/17/2014



Weekend Confirmed is celebrating a milestone today with its 200th episode! Join hosts Garnett Lee and Jeff Cannata, along with the Shacknews duo of Andrew Yoon and Ozzie Mejia, as they journey forward by looking into the problems that are plaguing Nintendo and what they can do to keep their boat above water. The topic then turns into the best-selling games of the year and what they mean for games and innovation moving forward. Then Garnett talks about Don't Starve and whether certain games would benefit more from assisting players more at the beginning. Then it's time to celebrate by looking back at the very first episode of Weekend Confirmed and where the world of games has gone since that day back in 2010. Look back upon 200 episodes with some of your favorite clips and rejoice in new Finishing Moves and the post-show Tailgate.