

Real Estate Radio USA Episode 112 May 2, 2008 On today’s show we talked at length about a recent post by Jeff at the regarding some tips for those brave souls that might be thinking of a career in real estate. Also we interviewed Laura Fitton from Pistachio Consulting on this episode of Real Estate Radio USA.We spent the first half of the show talking about a blog post written by Jeff over at the Jeff’s post, “5 Tips for The Brave Soul Considering Real Estate Sales As a Career” covered what we believe are not only the basics for anyone considering real estate sales as a profession, but for those that are active in real estate sales today as well. Our featured interview today was with Laura Fitton from Pistachio Consulting. Laura is an expert business consultant who spoke with us today about a number of topics including using social media sites to drive traffic and ideas to your business. She told us not only about such sites as QIK, Twitter, Seesmic, Twirl, and others; she told us