Shameless Adventures

Episode 20 - I Fucking Hate You



We start the episode apologizing for being gone for so long because Chris was the ebola monkey and got us all sick. We needed to take some time and mend up and VOILA we're back and feeling much more like ourselves. This week we talk about listener feedback and how essentially we need to man up and quit our bitching about finding a sitter because if you guys can do it, we can too. We also talk about dick size in the lifestyle and if there is such a thing as TOO much dick when it comes to swapping partners. Our site of the week is and how it's an old school, no nonsense place to get adult travel info. Our word of the week is pillow princess and we come to the conclusion that Michele is totally wearing the tiara when it comes to giving as well as receiving and how some women like to have their pussies eaten but aren't really interested in returning the favor. We also discuss how Chris shouldn't really complain about what Michele lacks because there's no shortage of women offering to suck