Shameless Adventures

Episode 21 - Stop Crying on My Strap On



*This probably has typos. I will fix them in the morning. :) Michele and Chris knock the dust off their Soundcloud account and upload another Shameless Adventure. If you thought we were home crying and feeling sorry for ourselves you would be correct. Life is amazing but a pain in the ass and we are happy to have these microphones to use for complaining. Right out of the gate we share some pent up love and start off with shout outs to good friends we be thinkin about. The Playful Pussycats are definitely on our minds. They will be partying in Hedo beginning this weekend, April 23-30. They are joined again by special guests Holli & Michael from Playboy Radio. We had a blast with them last year. We know they will have an amazing week again this year and we look forward to living vicariously through their sunburns and stories of debauchery. Our best friends will also be getting married that week in Hedo so sad faces because we won't be there. Michele may or may not cry during the podcast. We participate i