Phd (in Progress) Podcast | Education, Career, Life

PhD 016: Mental Health Awareness and Treatment as a Grad Student



Click here to subscribe and rate us in iTunes | Or Subscribe on Stitcher   [Episode card image adapted from a Flickr photo by Bhernandez, used under the Creative Commons] Questions asked: What is a "lifeguard"? How did you decide to seek help? What does help look like? How is mental illness perceived in graduate school? Am I alone if I seek out help? Mental Illness Awareness Week Oct. 5-11, 2014 Resources "Mental Health Issues Among Graduate Students" by Nash Turley The Illustrated Guide to a PhD  (the image Halley described) Your school's health service office (Example: Princeton University's Counseling and Psychological Services) "Normal is a distribution" "Paying Graduate School's Mental Toll" by Carrie Arnold Do you have any experiences to share? We'd love to talk about it further in the comments on our show notes at or /mentalhealth . You can also say hi on Twitter @PhDPodcast or e-mail us at Finally, If you like the show so far, help us out