Phd (in Progress) Podcast | Education, Career, Life

PhD 019: Starting an “Alternative” Career Symposium at Your Institution with Mark Esposito



Click here to subscribe and rate us in iTunes | Or Subscribe on Stitcher A very special thank you to Mark Esposito who also runs the Breaking Bio blog found at  Mark wrote a guide about creating the career symposium you heard in this show at Discussion points: Understanding your career path and constantly questioning your goals Problems with tenure track positions as the default How do we approach learning about "alternative careers" Steps in initiating a career symposium: 1) Raise money via internal and external grants or donations 2) Connect with potential speakers/guests Ask faculty Use LinkedIn or call companies Ask departmental office Location can be important 3) Logistics for travel arrangement, room availability Career areas addressed at the symposium held at Princeton's Department of Molecular Biology: Policy Education Industry R&D Law Science Communication Related Episodes: Using your career services office Bey