
NAMPRadio Episode 6: "Working With The Media”



In this episode, the panelists Ron Evans, Matt Campbell, and Maris Smith talk to Journalist Bobbi Booker about the changes in the media industry over the last few years and the effects those changes are taking on our interactions with media contacts. Bobbi offers some great do's and don'ts to help you get the attention of your desired media contacts. NAMPRadio Recommends Matt recommends: A study showing that a "Mad Libs"-style sign-up form increased registration on a website over the typical "Name: _______; Address: __________" format... Ron recommends: Tweetdeck for iPhone (check the Apple app store) -- fantastic 3rd-party Twitter application that lets you track multiple conversations, upload photos and videos, auto-shorten urls, and so much more. Bobbi recommends: -- a great site of help guides that help you navigate through contemporary journalism and storytelling. Maris recommends: -- free service to send large files