Osteopathy Health Consultancy & Rehabilitation Specialists's Posts

Sciatica - How does it feel? Step 1 in the Osteopathic evaluation of your individual case



**Describing your pain ** The person who can best describe their pain is you! * Stabbing pain?  * Shooting pain?  * Dull ache?  * Constant nagging?  Your description also gives an indication as to how you feel about the pain. Having a new severe pain or unaccustomed less severe pain can be quite worrying. This is especially apparent when the reason for the pain is unknown to you. **Pain Patterns** Many problems reoccur in episodes over some months or years. Over time, the frequency of these episodes may increase and spur the sufferer to take action. It may be that each episode becomes more severe and lasts for an increasing amount of time. Looking at the daily pattern of symptoms may give an indication that you require treatment, stretching exercises and some individual advice concerning seating posture, pillows or your bed, etc. Some people find that their problem is worst first in the morning with painful stiffness that is eased by activities during the