

Mock theme song - timoIntro Prayer by viperWhat did you do this week/quick heads up on next week: -endqwerty: working on yearbook, got presents from my school (public school), got my eagle officially, got a new bsa uniform. I will be going skiing Friday-Monday. -Jesse: Didn't sleep. much. At all. Hungout with the girlfriend. Wrote music. finallized concerts in NYC for next week. Studied for midterms.ONE MORE THING almost forgot. Girlfriend. -LindseyC: Did lots of math homework. And was confused by math homework. Thoughts on Banning words: -endqwerty: I don't think it matters, but I don't like how much it shows up on the hangout. Overuse, as in more than one or two on my server would result in a warning. I personally don't like it, but can stand it. -jesse: I don't really care either. Personally, its just another phrase. My mom says "Sugar" instead of "....". Only problem I had was the TPS admins being hypocritical about their "process of dealing with issues". Matthew 15:1