
DRPC March 28-April 03, 2010



Daily Reflection & Prayer Circle(non) - Invocation for the week of March 28 - April 03, 2010© Noreen Jameson 2010It goes without saying that our Prayer Circle has been a Blessing to many,and it occurred to me to do something different this week, rather than myself or Teri writing our group Invocation.We all know how to pray, in our own unique fashion, so, this week, I ask you to use your own Invocation (or grab one from the Archives)while contemplating our shared Mission, who we are, what we stand for, and who and what we've collectively prayed for and about....No matter who or what is on our "list".. there are people, places, situations, etc, that we always contemplate.  Then there are those unasked needs, wants, and desires.  Perhaps someone is too shy to come forward.  Perhaps it's embarrassment.  No matter, as kindred spirits, we know deep in our hearts that we've all 'been-there', and that no matter who our Deity is, our prayers are heard and answered.  Friends, we are a