Straight Talk About Mental Health with Karen Muranko

April 4, 2009Women of Color andMental Health IssuesSHOW REPLAYS APR. 11NO CALLS PLEASE



Dr. Gina L. Moore-Sanders has a Ph.D. in molecular genetics from the University of California, at San Diego and a M.S. from San Diego State University. Her graduate and post-doctoral studies have focused on cardiovascular research where she has several publications. In 2008, she was horrified to see many other women like herself suffering from mental anguish posting their mental angst online only to be ridiculed and humiliated! In fact, while she searched for safe zones expressing her own issue where she encountered racism among the posters! She chose to not engage in justifying her cultural identity online! Rather than lament about when a website would be available for women like her, Dr. Moore-Sanders concluded that it would be best to found Ariafya LLC for women of color who suffer dearly by extending a "life line" and a "place of refuge" for mental relief. From her deacon board training at Christ United Presbyterian Church in San Diego, California and Madrona Presbyterian Church in Seattle, Washington, s