

batt_007_david.mp3 batt_007_david.oggDavid Thomas Moran is a phoneur, photographer and game designer currently involved in the TRansit Interpretation Project who works in urban mobile games, creative place making, and has many interesting projects. He is pursuing an MFA from UCF in Emerging Media. In this episode we also discuss how the creative community in Orlando can reach out to the West and the tourist-driven part of our economy. Mentioned in this podcast The Corridor Project Walk On By (Orlando Weekly) Dead Quare Walking (also on Instagram) Emerging Media - Digital Media MFA PLAY ME crowdfunding campaign (#playmeorlando) The Art Starter Festival Bay Mall Artisan Market Orlando Days + Nights "Dangerous By Design" presentation on YouTube from Processing Orlando Inspiration Orlando's Coming-of-Age Tale: How the City's Technology Industry is Garnering National Attention aka Familab on NPR! Featuring Kathryn Ludology in Games Flaneurs and Phoneurs Otronicon Instagrammers Orlando @IGers_Orlando Google Ingres