Sovcast Seeker of Veritas - Culture Dig Store

Sovcast 6/29/2015



Terror attacks rock France, Tunisia, Kuwait and Syria. If the TPP passes, banks will wield Unlimited Power. The shooting in Charleston and the Many Fold Problem. Retail options start to dwindle for Confederate Flag customers. Kansas considers a repeal of a law that hurts the poor and the tax payers with ATM fees. Nearly Half of Americans Would Vote For a Socialist For President. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that it is legal for all Americans, no matter their gender or sexual orientation, to marry the people they love. The blind learn to see with their tongues. Using hemp and a twist of lime to make carbon negative hempcrete houses. Do drunk birds slur their squawks. Amateur Stuntman Puts Fire Ants On Penis and realizes hind sight really is 20/20. A drunken Plainfield Illinois man on a “mobility scooter” eluded the cops after exposing himself to a girl in a local park. When the police are chasing you, and you think you're in danger, the best thing to do, at least in the mind of one California suspect, is t