Warrior Women With A Purpose

Episode 22 Energy, Voice Alchemy: Supporting Your Healing Process with Liana Naima



Summary In this episode, I chat with an incredible spiritual guide and a beautiful person, Liana Naima. Born and raised in New Orleans, Liana Naima is a survivor. She shares some of her story and how she’s naturally helped people along the way, including during her work as an educator and her transition to light worker and facilitator of voice alchemy. In our conversation, we contemplate power- the power of language, the power of voice, and her self-proclaimed super power. And we contemplate emotions – defining and redefining emotions to align with our energy. She’s enlightening, inspiring, and informative, just what you’d expect from an educator and spirit guide. Today, Liana Naima talks about: the cycles of the healing process, how boring we would be if we could only feel one thing at a time, releasing anger without releasing responsibility, and where she doles out free advice.   Highlights On her purpose: I consider myself to be a young spiritual guide and light worker. I live deeply within my truth. And