Warrior Women With A Purpose

Episode 37 Restoring The Feminine Face And Tantric Tradition With Marie Young



Marie Young is a relationship coach who believes that the relationship you have with yourself is often overlooked. Through meditation and other mindfulness techniques, she helps busy, ambitious clients reconnect to a deeper part of themselves. She then helps them attract, meet, and keep their ideal partner and create lasting, loving relationships. She also helps clients improve their understanding and appreciation for the opposite sex to create more trust, peace, and ease between men and women. After successes in both high-tech and film acting, Marie trained as a yoga teacher and began teaching yoga and meditation immediately. In 2008 she took her first coaching class and uncovered a passion to serve at a deeper level. “Coaching gave me the tools to create the major successes I have today and it gave me the greatest gift of all–that of being in service to others.” Through yoga, meditation, and coaching, Marie has helped her clients gain greater happiness and success in the areas of business, relationship, an