Reverse Interview

008 Gary Bolles - Competence and Compassion



Have you ever made a career change and found out immediately that you made a mistake? That’s why I was in Texas for four months… I was with Texas Instruments sitting in a room with nothing to do for four months waiting for a security clearance. I was hired to work on the Harm Missile guidance systems… but as I sat in that room, I learned how much I didn’t want to work for that company. I would have been gone faster but I had to wait on my security check to clear before I packed up and left… which is exactly what I did the very same day my clearance came through… The only thing worse that being in a job you don’t want is being in that job a day longer than necessary… That’s why I’m so excited about my next guest… Gary Bolles has made much of his career about helping other people with their careers… and he came about it because it’s somewhat of a family business. His Dad is Richard Bolles, author of “What Color is Your Parachute” which has sold more than 10 million copies over more than 4 decades. Gary’s latest