Crossroads 2009

Part 2: Finding Freedom from our Critics



Series: LIVING FREE: A STUDY OF GALATIANS Part 2: FINDING FREEDOM FROM OUR CRITICS (audio is of lower quality due to technical problems) Context: What is happening in the book of Galatians? -The Apostle Paul is writing to churches in Galatia which he had helped start years earlier -Paul had taught the Galatians the Gospel message that salvation comes ONLY through faith in and surrender to Jesus Christ -False teachers in Galatia were teaching Paul was wrong and were denying his authority as an apostle -The false teachers taught that Gentiles (non-Jewish people) needed to be like the Jews and follow the Law of Moses and males needed to be circumcised before the Gentiles could become Christians. -Paul writes to the Galatians to refute the false teachers Galatians 1:10 (NIV) Paul found freedom from his critics because: 1.He didn’t seek _______________ ________________ above _____________________ 2.He preached _______________ message and followed _________________ call on his life Galati