Become A Beast

BAB 084 | Week 6 of The Weekly Beast Challenge



Week 5 saw us tackle the 1 minute wall-sit. This week, we move back to the diet focus. Apologies for the two day delay. The wife and I had our first no-kid trip in 3 years. Needless to say, our trip was a higher priority. I achieved the wall-sit's even with the travel. Since I've been working on lower body exercises since the new year, it wasn't too painful. Wall-sit's are a great easy, do-anywhere exercise. In Week 6 of the Weekly Beast Challenge, we are going to eat 3 cups of spinach each day. Took knock out the Week 6 challenge, stop by your local produce department, go to the packaged lettuce area, and grab the spinach tubs. I have 2-3 always in my house and I stuff as much spinach as possible into the blender for my smoothies. Good luck this week.