Get Real About Business Podcast

How to Begin Sales Conversations with Confidence and Ease



Understanding how to skillfully navigate conversations and move from a casual conversation to one that generates business is essential for any small business. Failure to develop these skills leads to one of two outcomes: Show up and Throw up - This is an outright pitchfest. You're so concerned with getting the sale and winning the business that you forget to act anything remotely resembling a normal human being. It's an "all about me" approach and a race to the bottom as you try to detail every product benefit and feature you can think of and convince the person they can't live without it. Nice but Ineffectual - Also a race to the bottom, but this time an "all about you" approach that is ineffectual and weak. You are so concerned about not coming across as pushy or "salesy" that you never really get down to business. You patiently wait for the person to ask you about your product but for some reason, they don't. The person could massively benefit from what you do but instead, they walk away thinking, "Nice g