Real Life Real Faith

Wash Me All Over with Pastor Danny Hudson Plus the Money Coach Dr. Cozette White



Cozette M. White, acclaimed author, financial analyst and tax strategist, speaker and philanthropic inspires individuals to live in purpose, embrace passion and achieve personal greatness through a balance in work and life.  Cozette’s innovative assessments and methodologies, will guarantee you bottom line results and success.  She has more than 20 years of experience in Corporate America in leadership roles ranging from Project Management to Corporate Controller managing portfolios in excess of $500M. White has been coined “The Money Coach” as a result of her unparalleled ability to empower not only people, but businesses also, to learn to ditch the debt and develop a plan to create the kind of wealth that leaves a secure financial legacy. Danny Hudson has released his debut album, “Wash Me All Over”, as an Independent Artist, to compliment his work as a Pastor, Mentor, Counselor, and Motivational Speaker.  This project consist of songs written out of the pain and loneliness of being apart from Christ; but