Crazy Joe's Psych Notes

15 - PSY101 - Motivational Elements, Freud's Deprivation Theory



Development of the Libido Freud termed the psychic (instinctual) energy needs associated with various regions of the body (erogenous zones), the Libido. The libido represents a combination of the major life (”Eros“) instincts which become invested in specific objects in the environment (object Cathexis). A particular type of “libidinal gratification” may come to assume a prominent role in an individual’s life. If the development of the child is normal and healthy, then the developing libido progresses in an orderly, predictable sequence, and investments and attachments undergo predictable changes. Initially, libidinal energy is centered on autocratic pleasure seeking, including stimulation of the mouth, followed by anal pleasures, and subsequently followed by autoerotic stimulation of the genital region. Gradually the libido then becomes invested in preferred objects and other people. With further development, the libido becomes invested in forming attachments to playmates, then friends of the same sex, tha