Happy Abundant Freedom: Results-based Productivity, Personal Development, And Business Success For Your Stress-free Life!

HAF21: How to Create Successful Habits Consistently with What You Already Have



Episode Video: In this episode you’ll find out about: Today we’re going to talk about one strategy that you can use, whether it’s for a bad habit that you’re trying to change/improve on or a new habit that you’re trying to implement, to ensure that you’re carrying out the success habit and doing it CONSISTENTLY! The reason is because consistency is key when making a habit automatic and routine. Resources to Help You: Systematic Approach to Help You Really Accomplish Your Goals by Doing Less This will help you get the right things done each day as it’s a goal setting software (that works both on your computer and your mobile). It’s designed to help you 1. Set Your Goals with Clarity 2. Take Action and get the Right Things Done 3. Visualize to Succeed 4. Track Time to Get More Done Faster 5. Build Goal Enabling Success Habits Discover the Secret that Albert Einstein, Wolfgang Mozart, Winston Churchill & Tiger Woods Used to Unlock Their Genius... I've personally used self-hypnosis to help me overcome chall