Warrior Women With A Purpose

Ep213 Finding The Will To Live DeAnn Wandler-Vukovich



DeAnn Wandler-Vukovich, a former university administrator, knows about executive burnout. After suffering years of ongoing, chronic personal and professional stress, DeAnn found herself in a kind of psychological quicksand. Left untreated, her situational depression evolved into clinical depression and on the evening of her 52nd birthday, after responding to a last birthday wish on Facebook, DeAnn took a loaded gun, placed it under her chin and pulled the trigger. Following her powerful story of unlikely survival, she stepped away from her seventeen years in higher education background to found the health and wellness start up, Live Well University. She uses her traumatic experience as a vehicle for transformation by teaching people of all ages the art of self-care, as well as how to develop true resilience. She actively works towards steering company corporate culture in a healthier direction by focusing on mental health and wellbeing in the workplace and prioritizing better work-life balance. DeAnn holds ce