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Chowan Discovery Group, Marvin T. Jones



Author & Historian Marvin T. Jones, Excutive Director & owner of Marvin T. Jones and Associates, specilizing in corporate communications photography and photographicdesign. His love of the community of his birth led him to create the now defunct website, a personal website of stories and photo essays. jones is a native of Cofield, North Carolina; he attended the Winton Triangle's C.S. Brown School and graduated from Ahoskie High School. Marvin also wrote a chapter in Carolina Genesis, Beyond The Color Line and presents the first history of the Winton Triangle. Marvin's essay "The Leading Edge of Edges-The Tri-Racial People of the Winton Triangle", tells the story of a people who emerge from the meeting of the New and Old Worlds and how they created success from century to century in northeastern North Carolina. Highlights of the essay include: Origins of the Winton Triangle and the Triangle's contrbution to the Civil War in expanding freedom in the United States, Founding of Pleasa