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The Journey, 2019



New Titles From Scott Hodalee Sewell Eyes on the Prize in the Native South: The Struggle for Federal Recognition in the 21st Century As of 2018 the United States federal authorities have a special government to government relationship with the 567 federally acknowledged Indian tribes.The Freedmen’s Quandary: Crossroads of Tribal Identity in Indian Country The 1890 census counted 18,636 people "of Negro descent in the Five Tribes" present in the Indian Territory, communities who were made fully members of the Five Tribes by treaties negotiated in 1866 with their emancipation from slavery to the individual Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Seminole Nation citizens who held them in bondage. Today their descendants are still known as the Freedmen, and many have seen their long historical ties to the Five Tribes being challenged, minimized, or severed.Last of the Dominickers, For nearly 200 years’ outsiders in Florida’s panhandle viewed suspiciously a group of people who didn’t fit the usual racial categori