Voices On Fire For Christ

Church without Walls: Did not our hearts burn?



On the road to Emmaus, Jesus revealed the power of the resurrection to be the fulfillment of scripture in the arrival of fire-baptized preaching.  Because Christ suffered, died and rose again, there is POWER that is to accompany and testify to the validity of our preaching.  So, why are so many of our pulpits filled with less?  Why is so much preaching dead, dry and powerless?  How do we recapture the fire that Christ died to deliver unto His Church? Join KQC Ministries for Church without Walls as we worship, pray and seek the face of Jesus.  There, we will find answers to these and other pressing issues of our day.  WHATEVER your personal need from Christ, it will be met IN Christ here! So, don't miss the #moveofGod.