In The Flow Radio

Inspiring Lives - Oridnary People ep.108



The Quantuam Anarchist is excited to welcome Rev. Edie Weinstein - The Bliss Mistress to the show Monday September 30th at 5pm EST Rev. Edie is 'a professional hyphenate': free-lance journalist-interfaith minister-organ donor educator-social worker-bereavement counselor-clown-greeting card text writer-PR Goddess-author-transformational speaker-radio host. Rev. Edie Weinstein, MSW, LSW is a Renaissance Woman and Bliss Mistress who delights in inviting people to live rich, full, juicy lives. Edie is an internationally recognized, sought after, colorfully creative journalist, interviewer and author, a dynamic & inspiring speaker, licensed social worker, bliss coach & interfaith minister. She speaks on the subjects of wellness, relationships, spirituality, sexuality, creativity, time management, recovery, body image, mind-fullness, self-esteem, stress management, re-creating yourself, recovery from trauma, caring for the caregiver, loss & grief.  She is a frequent guest on radio & tv & enjoys