Cross Encounters

The Open-Air Preacher's Relationship to the Local Church: Has Tony Gone Too Far?



Episode: 20150411 On this edition of Cross Encounters Radio..... 1. Recently Tony preached two sermons related to open-air preaching and preachers, at the Milton Herald Society: "A Defense for the Public Proclamation of the Gospel" and "Have You Been Sent?" Both Chris and Rich have some questions for Tony. Has Tony gone too far? Are his expectations for all open-air preachers to be qualified, called, and sent by the local church unreasonable? Are they impractical? We will take your calls. 2. There has been a major development with the Church of Wells. Catherine Grove who, for two years, was all but hidden from her family by church leadership (the church's leadership would insist it was completely voluntary on Catherine's part), has left the quasi-church and returned to her family. 3. Rich and Chris will present Tony with another "Always Ready" scenario. How will Tony transition the scenario into a gospel opportunity?