Faith To Conquer Fear

Coach vs Critic, how our self-talk is a game changer!



Join Christy Demetrakis and her special guest Laura Barry for “Coach vs Critic, how our self-talk is a game changer!” Tuesday, November 10th at 6:30pm EST.    ABOUT LAURA: Laura L. Barry is a long time resident of Bucks County, PA and mother to 2 wonderful young men, Thomas and Eric.   She is a traveler in A Course In Miracles and both leads and participates in sessions at all levels.  As a life strategist, she guides others through fears and worry, helping to release patterns that no longer serve a purpose. Laura gently opens our eyes and hearts to see what tethers us to behaviors and thoughts we are ready to release. She also coaches executives, is a sought after speaker and she facilitates retreats for those healing from trauma, illness or the rigors of life. She’s a mom, runner, rower, interfaith minister and a funny woman.   Laura is mostly a student of life and thoroughly enjoys its classroom.  She does have more formal credentials, like a BS from St. Joseph's University, Phila., PA  and an MBA from