Healing From Within With Tony Valen

Dr. Joseph Gallenberger, Ph. D.



**This is a Pre-Recorded Show** Dr. Joseph Gallenberger is a clinical psychologist with thirty years’ experience as a therapist. In 1992 be began to investigate psychokinesis (PK) which is the ability to influence matter through non-physical means. PK can be used to illuminate light bulbs, bend metal and plastic, sprout seeds in your hand, influence computers, dice and slot machines, and create healing and abundance - all just using the power of your mind. After achieving powerful PK results at a university laboratory, and enhancing his methods, Dr. Gallenberger began to teach this skill to groups. He has used his discoveries to host over sixty Inner Vegas Adventures™ where participants journey deeply into personal power. His students achieve dramatic physical and psychological healing, strong influence over dice and slot machines, and many marvelous manifestations in their lives at home. Dr. Gallenberger is a senior facilitator at The Monroe Institute. Robert Monroe, who founded the Institute, was a pione