When Opportunity Knocks

Finding and Keeping Great Talent In Your Small Business



It is hard to find good help, at least that is what small business owners tell me.  The smaller you are, the more difficult the challenge because you don't necessarily have the resources you need in salary range and benefits to compete with larger companies.  But if you start to think differently about your employees and how you do things, you can stack the recruitment deck in your favor.  You can attract and keep top talent.  Tune in and hear how one firm, Rodman CPAs shifted their recruitment by thinking differently.  Jen Minor, Director of Administration at Rodman CPAs shares some of the strategies they have used with great success.  If you would like help implementing these and other innovations in your organization to attract top talent, contact me, Nancy OKeefe at Nancy OKeefe Coaching and let's set up a time to talk about your situation..  www.nancyokeefecoaching.com/contact