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Excerpt:A Tasty Morsel: Humorous Paranormal Novella



Several years ago, I wrote a humorous paranormal romance novella called A Tasty Morsel.  I shopped it around to magazines but never found a home for it. That was then and this is now! Kindle Direct Publishing empowers authors to publish our own books. Description of A Tasty Morsel llie is a spunky woman who talks to herself and verbalizes just about everything that rolls through her mind. When exploring the cave she recently discovered in an Ozarks nature park, she makes a strangely handsome discovery. He happens to be a vampire who hasn't had a meal in a couple of centuries. And what saves Ellie is her resemblance to his lover. Ellie's day gets more bizarre when she meets a ghoul nurse wearing a lab coat and a doctor whose patients are all undead, mostly dead, werewolves and ban-shees. This lively tale is first in a series of quirky paranormal tales.. Read the Excerpt You can read the excerpt I shared on this show on Goodreads. Your host is international bestselling author and Celebrity Author Mento