Follow Your Bliss To Author Success

Yearn to Write a Book? Be Free at Last to WRITE! Free Audio



Do you feel stuck? COnfused? Wanted to write a book for ages but there's never the time? Keep putting it off? How about getting out of your own way so you can be FREE AT LAST to write your book! Overcome "head stuff" like: "When life slows down..." "I won't do it til it's perfect..." "Once the kids leave home..." "What if someone gives a bad review..." "What if nobody likes my book..." Join the next FREE LIVE "Free AT LAST to Write Your Book" training. Follow Your Bliss Radio gives you a snack-sized dose of inspiration, writing advice, book marketing help, product creation ideas, and more. Your host is international bestselling author and Celebrity Author Mentor  Ronda Del Boccio, the Story Lady., who demystifies the technical aspects of being a successful author. Her BLISS Butterfly Author Success System teaches 5 key aspects of B.L.I.S.S.: Being, Legacy, Imprint,Sharing and Serving.