Follow Your Bliss To Author Success

Author Entrepreneur Mindset: How's Your Mindset?



How's your mindset - really? Most people think they have a great mindset, but if you're not getting the results you desire with your book, perhaps you could use a little help. You are both author and entrepreneur; mindset will either propel you forward or keep you playing small and getting less than what you desire and deserve. Many authors don't even think they need an entrepreneur mindset, because they're so focused on writing and publishing. Resources from today's show: I mentioned Social Buzz Club as a way to both share your posts and find good share. Get mindset help on the next LIVE author training. Help building an amazingly powerful author-entrepreneur mindst in the Miracle Mindshift Month Your host is international bestselling author and Celebrity Author Mentor  Ronda Del Boccio, who demystifies the technical aspects of being a successful author. Her BLISS Butterfly Author Success System teaches 5 key aspects of B.L.I.S.S.: Being, Legacy, Imprint,Sharing and Serving.