Sherry Andrea Psychic Empath Show

Guest Christina Cummings Angel Medium



The Sherry Andrea Psychic Empath Radio Show brings its listeners all things spiritual, metaphysical, energy related, and more. Join host Sherry Andrea, a higher self channeler every Friday and Sunday at 9pm EST. "In 1995, I had a spiritual awakening with a chorus of Angels-- a momentous event in my life – which caused me to open myself up to Spirit and the magical, inspirational multi-dimensional Universe.. Around this same time, Arch Angel Gabriel placed his horn in my Throat Chakra. Arch Angel Gabriel is a communicator between heaven and Earth so this event allows my voice to be an instrument of Angelic Healing." Christia Cummings Sherry Andrea's purpose in this incarnation is to help others along their spiritual path. Many are guided to her by Angels and Ascended Masters. She is a conscious higher self channel who is fully merged with my higher self, as well as a energy worker (and Reiki Master) with telekinesis, spiritual te