Black Hat Briefings, Japan 2006 [audio] Presentations From The Security Conference

Scott Stender: Attacking Internationalized Software (English)



"Every application, from a small blog written in PHP to an enterprise-class database, receives raw bytes, interprets these bytes as data, and uses the information to drive the behavior of the system. Internationalization support, which stretches from character representation to units of measurement, affects the middle stage: interpretation. Some software developers understand that interpreting data is an incredibly difficult task and implement their systems appropriately. The rest write, at best, poorly internationalized software. At worst, they write insecure software. Regardless of whether this fact is understood or acknowledged, each developer is reliant on operating systems, communication mechanisms, data formats, and applications that provide support for internationalization. This represents a large and poorly understood, attack surface. f we go back to the ""three stages model"" above, many attacks have focused on simply sending bad data and using perceived failures to influence the behavior of the sy