Black Hat Briefings, Japan 2006 [audio] Presentations From The Security Conference

Jeremiah Grossman: Hacking Intranet websites from the outside: Malware just got a lot more dangerous (English)



"Imagine you?re visiting a popular website and invisible JavaScript Malware steals your cookies, captures your keystrokes, and monitors every web page that you visit. Then, without your knowledge or consent, your web browser is silently hijacked to transfer out bank funds, hack other websites, or post derogatory comments in a public forum. No traces, no tracks, no warning sirens. In 2005?s ""Phishing with Superbait"" presentation we demonstrated that all these things were in fact possible using nothing more than some clever JavaScript. And as bad as things are already, further web application security research is revealing that outsiders can also use these hijacked browsers to exploit intranet websites. Most of us assume while surfing the Web that we are protected by firewalls and isolated through private NAT'ed IP addresses. We assume the soft security of intranet websites and that the Web-based interfaces of routers, firewalls, printers, IP phones, payroll systems, etc. even if left unpatched, remain safe i