Conversations With Trellis

Fathers Day Special: The Joys and Challenges of Fatherhood



Join me and some amazing fathers as we discuss the joys and challenges of being a dad! Often society focuses on the absent fathers and the poor job that some of them are doing.  In the past 10 years or so I've met some amazing men that do an excellent job of caring for, providing for, protecting and teaching their children.  They plan a very active role in the lives of their children, From church, to school, to baseball, to karate and ballet, they are there. They don't do it because it's easy and anyone who is a parent knows that! But they do it because they see Fatherhood as part of their purpose...part of their BluePrint. They do it because they love their children.  Our President has given the world a view of a father who is extremely busy but still makes time for his children. And my guests are doing the same thing! These men will share with us how they make it work and how their children are benefiting. Tell every man you know to listen in for this special broadcast on Sunday June 17 at 12PM EST!