St Joseph Catholic Church Podcast

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Homily by Father Daniel Kelley



27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Homily by Father Daniel Kelley. “If we love one another, God remains in us,” we sing before the Gospel reading today. How appropriate on this Respect Life Sunday. All life, everyone’s life, is a gift from God, a gift given out of love by our Creator. Therefore, all life is precious in God’s eyes. If all life is precious, all life is worthy of our love. With that attitude and with God remaining in us, we can sing the second half of the Gospel acclamation, “and God’s love is brought to perfection in us.” Twice in today’s readings we hear, in reference to those who are married, “the two become one flesh.” Significantly, we hear these words first in Genesis, where the first person becomes a co-creator, naming all the animals and even providing a rib so that God could create a partner. In becoming one flesh, two people create a new and unique entity. Let us reflect on how we have or can become co-creators, creating bonds and creating life from the impulse of love.